Aug 2008
Sheetal Kamat

Ajoy and myself we both love jelly a lot. There was time when I use to prepare it almost daily. It felt so good to eat it in the hot summer days. But last week i had this great idea of having layers and i experimented it and it turned out really nice. But I prepared it in one big steel bowl so could not take any snap. So yesterday I tried it again and put it in to small round icecream cups. And here is the output, attractive, tasty and simple to prepare nice dessert :)

Layered Jelly
1 Cherry Flavour Jelly Mix
1 Pineapple Flavoured Jelly Mix
1 Litre Water

  • Boil the 500ml of water and mix it with cherry flavoured Jelly mix
  • Set it into ice cream cups but filling only half the size.
  • Now boil remaining water and mix the pineapple jelly mix
  • Set it on top of cherry flavoured jelly in the ice-cream cups filling them completely.
  • Refrigerate it once completely set
  • Serve in the cup as it is or cut them into shapes and serve.

The cherry flavoured jelly should be completely set before pouring the pinaepple jelly mix.
Also while pouring pineapple mixture on top of cherry jelly, one needs to be very very careful as otherwise portion of red jelly might come out and mix in pineapple jelly. So pour it slowly so that it flowes over cherry jelly without any damage.
I had prepared the strawberry and orange layed jelly earlier but i think this looks and tastes best. You can try other options that you like. You can add mode layers as well.
I used Weikfield Jelly Mix to get prepare the jelly and custard, if you use different brand the recipe for jelly might be different.

  1. Poonam said...

    Hi Sheetal, you have a lovely blog here! I found out your website from my husband, Pratik (Ajoy's friend) while he was on his blog! Will be visiting more often. BTW: Jellies are my favorite too.

  2. Hi Sheetal,

    your blog motivates me to cook... amazing effort girlie, keep up the good work of posting these amazing receipes.


  3. Poonam,
    Thanks a lot :) Hope you visit often and pratik is happy with the outcome :D

    Thanks a lot.

  4. Neha said...

    hi sheetal, nice blog, came to know abt urs from my frd. aashima..
    Why don't u add ur blog to taste of india, so as to get connected with other indian bloggers.

  5. Hi Neha,
    Thanks a lot. Can you give more details about taste of india. Sorry i am very little aware of these communities.

  6. Anonymous said...

    Hi There,
    Just wondering if you would be able to answer my question on layering jellying. I am hoping to make layered jelly cups, that has green jelly then custard and then orange jelly (irish theme lol). Do i let the green jelly set completely before placing the custard on top and when would i place the orange jelly on top on the custard, would i wait for the orange jelly to set first abit?
    would be greatful if u could email me ur answer :) andiechix@hotmail.com

  7. andiechix,
    I am not 100% sure if this thing will work for custard as custard is different density and there are no crystals involved there. But if it is possible, I guess you should be letting your custard set completely before putting another jelly on top of it.

  8. Hi Sheetal, came across your blog when searching for how to make jelly and I am glad I happened upon this blog.
    I need a small clarfication,I tried making weikfield jelly but both times it dint set well ... So ashame to say out that my jelly dint come out well .

    Should I boil jelly crystals along with boiling water until it dissolves ?

    Would be really grateful if you can help me out .

  9. @Pavithra
    No dont boil crystals with water. Boil water and then pour it in bowl and add the crystals. That would be it. Keep it in same position for an hour or so and it should set it on its own.

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