Aug 2008
Sheetal Kamat

When it was time to send the Cake to ajoy, I thought its been almost 2 months i havent experimented on him :) So this is an apportunity and i grabbed it to prepare this simple and sweet cake

Cherry Cake
1/2 Cup Butter
1 Cup Castor Sugar
1 Cup Maida
1/2 Spoon Baking Powder
1/2 Cup Sweet Cherries
1/2 Spoon Icing Sugar
1 Egg

  • Wash the cherries in the water so that all the sweet sugar syrup goes away
  • Dry them and sprinkle 1/2 spoon of maida on them and keep aside
  • Mix Butter and castor sugar till it dissolves well
  • Sieve Maida and baking powder 4-5 times
  • Beat the egg and keep aside
  • In the mixture of butter and castor sugar, mix the little maida-baking powder mixture and little eggs. Keep doing till all ingredients mix well
  • Mix in cherries lightly.
  • Prepare the pan for baking the cake by coating it with butter, puting a butter paper of the size of the bottom of the vessel on it and applying butter again to the paper
  • Heat the oven to 200C
  • Bake the cake in microwave + convection mode at 180W and 180C for 15 minutes
  • Let the cake cool down for 10 min or so and then sprinkle icing sugar on it
  • Cool the cake completly and serve the slices

If the cake batter looks thick, add warm water to make it thinner.

  1. Ajoy Nandi said...

    cake has come out nicely :) .... its sweet just like u :)

  2. Deepti Pawar said...

    Hey love ur blog. I wanted to know how many people this cake serves approximately?


  3. The cake serves around 6 - 7 people (2 pieces of size shown in the photograph per person)

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