Jun 2007
Sheetal Kamat

When Seema was visiting us, I decided to cook Sabudana wada as i was sure she would like it.. And She actually loved it and asked for recipe as well :) The sabudana that day was soaked perfectly and hence wadas were kurkura as well :)

Sabudana Wada

Sabudana Wada
1 cup Sabudana
1-2 medium sized potatoes
1 cup Groundnut powder (not too fine)
3-4 finely chopped green chillies
1 spoon jeera
1 tea spoon jeera powder
1 tea spoon coriander powder
1/4 cup corriander leaves finely chopped
Sugar to taste
Salt to taste
Oil/Ghee for frying

  • Wash and Soak sabudana for 3-4 hours with 1/4 cup of water.
  • Boil or cook potatoes in cooker well enough so that they can be crushed to make a paste
  • Mix potato crushed potato, soked sabudana, groundnut powder, finely chopped corriander leaves and green chillies, jeera, jeera and corriander powder, sugar and salt.
  • Make small flat round wadas out of this mixture
  • Fry them on medium flame. Make sure oil is well heated otherwise wada and oil both spoil.
  • Serve hot with curd chutney :)

I normally soak sabudana overnight rather than just 3-4 hours as I can't get up in the morning at 4 :)
Quantity of water (1 cup sabudana and 1/4 cup water) is very important to get perfectly soaked sabudana. Earlier I didn't know about it and result was always random. Sometimes paste and sometimes too hard.
You can also try crushing green corriander leaves and green chillies in mixer. It gives nice colour to wada. I haven't tried this as yet.

Curd Chutney

Curd Chutney
1 cup curd
1/4 cup Groundnut powder
2 green chillies / 1 tea spoon red chilli powder
1 tea spoon jeera powder(optional)
1 tea spoon finely chopped corriander leaves (optional)
Sugar to taste
Salt to taste


  • Mix sugar and salt in curd and let it dissolve well
  • Mix rest of the ingredients to form uniform mixture.

I don't use optional items as wada already has enough jeera and corriander.
Also I prefer red chilli powder over green chillies in the chutney

  1. Sonali Mehra said...

    I am going to try this ! where on earth do you get the time to write such detailed blogs !! dont u ever sleep ! :-)

  2. Unknown said...

    Hello Sheetal
    Cant imagine this is you, I hope both Ajoy and you would have put on some weight :-) The dishes look awesome and the way you have picked up Bengali cuisine, really appreciated.
    Im going to try out this method of soaking sabudana.
    Keep experimenting and ill keep reading your blogs, thanks again. - Sanghamitra

  3. Thanks for such a encouraging words :) boosted my moral :) will keep adding recipies here :) so keep visiting this blog :)

  4. Anonymous said...

    I am fasting today and needed to make the sabut dana khichdi and pakori. Am going to try this today......hoping it will turn out good. Recepie is written in a very easy manner.

  5. Anonymous, hope your wada was dellicious :) thank you so much for nice words.. keep visiting here..

  6. Unknown said...

    Hi Sheetal!

    I tried the Sabudana Wada, and it really turned too good! all liked in my family and i passed your Blog URL to my collegues, as they always ask for maharastrian dishes :)

    thank you once again :) keep up the good work! - Seema Gondkar

  7. Anonymous said...

    gonna try this 2nite!///will post how it turned out!

  8. Hi Tejashree
    I hope you and your family loved this :)

  9. Kiran said...

    The real Sabudana wada also contains fresh grated coconut at the core of wada.

  10. Anonymous said...

    Hey! I tried your recipe for yoghurt chutney to go along with Sabudhana vada. The Chutney turned out really great and added extra flavor to the whole sabhudhana vada dish.

    Raj (seattle)

  11. @Kiran
    Oh, I didnt know that, I loooked for recipies and most of them didnt mention it. Well i am not too fond of coconut as well.

    Glad you liked the chutney, i cant think of wada without it :)

  12. It Looks So Good And It Is Useful! Thanks for Sharing.

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