Jul 2008
Sheetal Kamat
Blogging with a Purpose Award I have received a "Blogging with Purpose" Award from Diksha.. Thanks a lot Diksha for passing this award to me. Being bollywood buff, I would like to give/write my speech for the award here.

First of all I would like to thank my husband - Ajoy. He has encouraged me in many ways.. Sometimes verbally.. sometime critically and most of the time eating whatever I gave him :) Be it then hard rock cakes that were a beiginning of cake baking. Or be it by giving my recipies unique looks like Sinking Titanic. He had been there all the time and I really owe him for this award.

The next thank you is obviously for my mom whom i have called at random times with queries like how to cook Jackfruit vegetable or asking her to write a few tricky recipies for me like samosas. She has also given me few nice recipe magzines that help in coming up with new dishes.

I would also like to friends who have helped me with some special recipies like Methi Malai Muttor or be it gifting recipie books during my wedding.

Thank you all for the encouragement and help.

I would like to pass on this award to :

Congratulations to all of you for the well deserved award.
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  1. Naveen said...

    hmm Congratulations.. keep going:)

  2. Anonymous said...

    Congratulations on your getting this award. Best wishes for many more to come.

  3. Milind said...

    Thanks. I feel honoured :)
    Congrats to you too, and happy blogging (cooking) :)

  4. Ajoy Nandi said...

    congratulations Wifey !! ... the speech was very nice ;-) taliyan all over... (got all the attention given by u :) ) ... i am missing those yummy dishes ... once i get well I am going to try out a few of those here :) ... esp pav vada :) my fav.

    also i hope u r going to send a few cookies ;-) ...

  5. Unknown said...

    arre wah.. thank you. happy to receive the award!!:)

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