Aug 2008
Sheetal Kamat

I have been stocking eggs for a while now. So for a while i was thinking of recipies that i could try and then thought let me cook something which is a meal in itself so that i dont have to cook anything else :) Here is the recipe..

Egg Biryani
Ingredients6 Eggs
1.5 Cup Rice
1 Onion
2 Spoon Cashews
2 Tomatoes
1/4 Cup Pudina Leaves
1/2 Cup Corriander Leaves
1/4 Spoon Ginger Paste
1/4 Spoon Garlic Paste
2-3 Green Chillies
1/4 Spoon Garam Masala
1/4 Spoon Jeera Powder
1/4 Spoon Corriander Powder
1/4 Spoon Cinnamon Powder
2 Pinch of Cardamom Powder
2 Pinch of Cloves Powder
A Pinch of Nutmeg Powder
A Pinch of Turmeric Powder
1 Spoon Red Chilli Powder
5-6 Cloves
5-6 Cardamoms
1 Cinnamon Stick
Salt to taste

  • Soak rice in the water and keep aside
  • Hard boil 3 eggs and cut them into halves and keep aside
  • Heat oil and fry the slices of onions in it and keep aside.
  • In same oil, fry the cashew nuts and keep aside
  • Again in same oil, fry the halved hard boiled eggs and keep aside
  • In same oil, add the remaining 3 eggs
  • Keep stirring conitnuously, and cook till the eggs form flakes and oil separates out
  • Add turmeric powder, a pinch of cardamom powder, cloves powder, nutmeg powder, half of cinnamon powder, red chilli powder, salt to taste and stir well. Keep aside
  • In a pan heat oil and add finely chopped tomatoes and cook them till they are almost done.
  • Add pudina leaves and all the corriander leaves except a spoon of them
  • Add the garam masala, finely chopped green chillies, jeera powder, corriander powder, ginger paste, garlic paste, a pinch of cardamom powder, a pinch of cloves powder and remaining cinnamon powder
  • Stir well and cook till compeltely done and keep aside
  • Cook rice in same water till almost done and keep aside
  • Heat ghee and add cinnamon stick pieces, cloves, cardamom
  • Add this mixture to the rice
  • Now grease the cooker or the pot that can go in cooker with ghee
  • Add half of rice
  • Mix tomato-masala and egg masala and layer it on top of rice
  • Layer the remaining rice over this
  • Spread onions and cashews on top of this
  • Cook it till rice is compeltely done
  • While serving mix this rice and fried egg pieces and serve

I layered the biryani in a pot and cooked it in cooker putting very little water and without a whistle. This helped in non sticky - non burnt biryani
If you are planning to layer the biryani in cooker itself you might want to use the trick of layering boiled potatoes so that biryani doesnt get burnt. More details in Chicken Biryani Recipe

Aug 2008
Sheetal Kamat
I have been tagged by Hunterwala. Actually its been a while since I have been tagged, and I thought I will post this one that night itself but somehow missed it and Piyush has beaten me in this :(

Last movie seen in a theatre?
Jaane Tu Ya Jaane na. Ajoy not here so not watching many movies these days.

What book are you reading?
Readers Digest

Favorite board game

Favorite magazine
Readers Digest

Favorite smells
That of earth when it rains

Favorite sound
Ringtone of my old Moto Razr

Worst feeling in the world
While seeing off the near and dear ones

What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
Am I late :)

Favorite fast food place

Future child's name
Not yet thought :)

Finish this statement. "If I had a lot of money I'd..."
Travel all around the world

Do you drive fast?
Not at all

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal
No, but I have the softtoy hanging above my bed.

Favorite Drink
Cane Juice

Do you eat the stem of broccoli?
No, I dont eat broccoli itself :)

Storms - Cool or Scary?
Cool since I havent experienced any :)

If you could dye your hair any color, what would be your choice?

Name all the different cities/towns you have lived in:
Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Plantation(Florida)

Favorite sports to watch
None, would rather prefer participating in it

One nice thing about the person who sent this to you
He is fun to be with

What's under your bed?
Nothing :)

Would you like to be born as yourself again?

Morning person or night owl?

Over easy or sunny side up?

Favorite place to relax
At my mom's place in pune

Favorite pie
Choco Fudge

Favorite ice cream flavor
Custard Apple but only from Sujata Icecreams from Pune

You pass this tag to:
Arati, Atul, Naveen, Nitin, Sameer

Of all the people you tagged this to, who’s most likely to respond first?
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Aug 2008
Sheetal Kamat
Wylde Women AwardI am delighted to receive another award - Wylde Women Award :) My second award, quite fast and keeping me in happy and award hangover mode :) Thanks to Kitchen Flavours of Yummy Food who has passed on this to me.

The purpose of the Award is to send love and acknowledgement to women who brighten your day, teach you new things and live their lives fully with generosity and joy.

The rules and other details about the award present on the blogsite.

I would like to pass on this award to:

Congratulations girls and enjoy it :)
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Aug 2008
Sheetal Kamat

This item was something I tasted in bangalore. It was so common there for bfast or weddings. This item was must in the menu.. I didnt eat that much when I was there because it either use to be too sweet or not much of pineapple taste. This week when I got nice riped pineapple, i thought of trying this. And the result was wonderfully tasty and sweet enough for my tooth

Pineapple Sheera
1.5 Cup Pineapple Pieces
1 Cup Rawa
8 Spoon Sugar
2 Spoon Ghee
2 Spoon Cashews
2 Spoon Raisins
2 Pinch Saffron
2 Spoon Milk

  • Warm the milk and mix safron in it. Keep aside.
  • Boil 4 cups of water in a pan
  • Add pineapple pieces to it and let them cook on the medium flame
  • Parallely heat the ghee in the another pan
  • Fry the cashews and keep aside
  • Add rawa to the ghee and fry it with constant stirring till it turns light brown
  • When the pineapple is cooked, add the (only) pineapple pieces to the rawa and keep stirring
  • In the remaining water from the cooked pineapple add 2 spoons of sugar and boil it
  • Add this boiling water to rawa pineapple mixture and cook with constant stirring
  • When the sheera thickens, add sugar, safron milk, raisins and cashews and stir well till it thickens

Fry rawa and cashews on lowest possible flame so that you dont end up burning them.
Adjust the sugar quantity according to your taste, but this was the best taste i got with 8 spoons of sugar, the pineapply - sweet one.

Aug 2008
Sheetal Kamat

Since I was small I use to prepare this and we loved watching saturday and sunday evening movies on DD while munching these.. Back then I wasnt so good at understanding the cooking techniques so many times they would be soft instead of crispy nuts. After a while the failure rates increased and i left the job of preparing these. But last week I just thought of preparing with my newly developed senses of cooking and results turned out really nice. And above all the results are consistent.. I did try them quite a few times after that to verify :)

Salty Peanuts
2 Cup Groundnuts
2 Spoon Salt

  • Roast the ground nuts till they are completely done.
  • Mix salt with a cup of water
  • Put the groundnuts in the sieve and run them through the salted water
  • Remove the excess water
  • Quickly put the groundnuts back in the hot pan and roast on high flame with constant mixing till they are completely dry

The process of running the salty water through hot and roasted groundnut should be done quickly so that the nuts dont soak the water.

Aug 2008
Sheetal Kamat

This weekend when Seema arrived, I planned to try this cake on her and ended up baking this for her and her inlaws :) Thankfully it turned out good and was so nice that it got over in just one serving :)

Date And Walnut Cake
2 Cup Seedless Dates
1 Cup Walnut pieces
1.5 Cup Maida
1 Cup Butter
1 Cup Sugar
2 Eggs
1/4 Spoon Lemon Juice
1/2 Spoon Baking Powder
1/4 Spoon Eating Soda

  • Wash the dates and chop them into small pieces
  • Mix dates, walnuts, 1/4 spoon baking powder, eating soda and 4 spoon of water. Keep it overnight
  • Next day morning, beat the butter and sugar together
  • Beat the egg in separate bowl
  • Mix little egg, litte maida and little dates and walnuts mixture at a time. Continue till all maida, eggs and date-walnut mixture is completely mixed into the butter-sugar mixture
  • Mix the lemon juice and 1/4 spoon baking powder
  • Mix it with the cake batter.
  • Heat the oven to 200C
  • Prepare the pan for baking the cake by coating it with butter, puting a butter paper of the size of the bottom of the vessel on it and applying butter again to the paper. Pour the cake batter in the pan
  • Bake the cake in microwave + convection mode at 180W and 180C for 30 minutes

The batter was little thick so I added around 3-4 spoons of warm water in the batter just before pouring it into the pan

Aug 2008
Sheetal Kamat

Ajoy and myself we both love jelly a lot. There was time when I use to prepare it almost daily. It felt so good to eat it in the hot summer days. But last week i had this great idea of having layers and i experimented it and it turned out really nice. But I prepared it in one big steel bowl so could not take any snap. So yesterday I tried it again and put it in to small round icecream cups. And here is the output, attractive, tasty and simple to prepare nice dessert :)

Layered Jelly
1 Cherry Flavour Jelly Mix
1 Pineapple Flavoured Jelly Mix
1 Litre Water

  • Boil the 500ml of water and mix it with cherry flavoured Jelly mix
  • Set it into ice cream cups but filling only half the size.
  • Now boil remaining water and mix the pineapple jelly mix
  • Set it on top of cherry flavoured jelly in the ice-cream cups filling them completely.
  • Refrigerate it once completely set
  • Serve in the cup as it is or cut them into shapes and serve.

The cherry flavoured jelly should be completely set before pouring the pinaepple jelly mix.
Also while pouring pineapple mixture on top of cherry jelly, one needs to be very very careful as otherwise portion of red jelly might come out and mix in pineapple jelly. So pour it slowly so that it flowes over cherry jelly without any damage.
I had prepared the strawberry and orange layed jelly earlier but i think this looks and tastes best. You can try other options that you like. You can add mode layers as well.
I used Weikfield Jelly Mix to get prepare the jelly and custard, if you use different brand the recipe for jelly might be different.

Aug 2008
Sheetal Kamat

In hyderabad, there is restaurant called chutneys. They serve wide varieties of chutneys along with the main menu. So thats where I had this chutney and decided to prepare this simple chutney with my dosa.

Sweet Coconut Chutney
1/2 Coconut
1.5 Spoon Sugar
Salt to taste

  • Grate the coconut
  • Grind the coconut, sugar and salt mixing with little water to get sweet chutney

Do not grate the coconut fully, otherwise the chutney will turn brown.

Aug 2008
Sheetal Kamat

I always wanted to get the perfect, crisp dosa. Then I read up few books and got this recipy. The result was amazing, so much so good that I ate 5 dosas for dinner when I was planning to skip the dinner at all :)

Sadha Dosa
3 Cup Idly Rawa
1 Cup Udid Daal
1/2 Cup Mung Daal
1/2 Cup Tur Daal
1 Spoon Fenugreek Seeds
1/4 Cup Oil
Salt to taste

  • Soak idly rawa, udid daal, mung daal, tur daal and fenugreek seeds separately for atleast 8 hours
  • Remove the water from everything except fenugreek seeds
  • Mix fenugreek seeds and Udid daal and grind to get fine paste
  • Grind idly rawa, mung daal and tur daal to fine paste each separately
  • Mix all the grinded pastes
  • Keep it overnight in a warm place
  • In the morning, mix oil and salt well
  • Heat the tawa, then on the minimum temperature, sprinkle the salt water over the tawa and wipe the tawa with cloth
  • Put around 1/4 cup of mixture on the tawa in the middle
  • Quickly dip one cup in the salty water and spread the dosa from inwards to outwards with circular motion
  • Put little ghee from all sides and let the dosa cook on minimum temperature
  • Serve hot with chutney and/or sambhar

The Batter should be thinly grinded and properly fermented to get the dosa thin and crispy. You can use trick mentioned in : Aappe Recipy to ferment the batter in the winter days
While spreading dosa, you should be pressing the cup a little to make a thin spread

Aug 2008
Sheetal Kamat

This weekend when I went Anghethi, I saw chefs preparing kababs there and couldnt resist myself. And then i worked hard to go to grocerry shop and get the paneer, prepare this kabab.

Paneer Tikka
200gm Paneer Slab
2 Tomatoes
1 Capsicum
1/2 Cup Curd
1/4 Spoon Ginger Paste
1/4 Spoon Garlic Paste
1 Spoon Red Chilli Powder
1 Spoon Jeera Powder
1 Spoon Chaat Masala
2 Spoon Tandoori Masala
Salt to taste

  • Cut the paneer to get the cubes
  • Mix curd, ginger paste, garlic paste, red chilli powder, jeera powder, chaat masala, tandoori masala and salt to taste to form the marination
  • Marrinate the paneer cubes with this mixture and keep it in fridge for couple of hours
  • Cut the tomato and capsicum - remove the inner items and cut them to get the rectangular shapes
  • Sprinkle salt and little chaat masala on them
  • On a grilling stick arrange the capsicum pieces, paneer pieces and tomato pieces
  • Melt the butter and pour it over these pieces all over
  • Grill them till golden brown, I had to do it for around 30 min

Grilled one tastes nice but somewhere I read about frying the panner, capsicum and tomatoes separately and then arranging them on a tooth pin. People who donot have grilling option in microwave can try. I am going to try this too.
Also the aunty downstairs - our landlady, puts the Charcols in the earthen vessels and cook the kababs over it. I am going to try this as well because whatever aunty made tasted more aunthentic than this grilling thing.

Aug 2008
Sheetal Kamat

When it was time to send the Cake to ajoy, I thought its been almost 2 months i havent experimented on him :) So this is an apportunity and i grabbed it to prepare this simple and sweet cake

Cherry Cake
1/2 Cup Butter
1 Cup Castor Sugar
1 Cup Maida
1/2 Spoon Baking Powder
1/2 Cup Sweet Cherries
1/2 Spoon Icing Sugar
1 Egg

  • Wash the cherries in the water so that all the sweet sugar syrup goes away
  • Dry them and sprinkle 1/2 spoon of maida on them and keep aside
  • Mix Butter and castor sugar till it dissolves well
  • Sieve Maida and baking powder 4-5 times
  • Beat the egg and keep aside
  • In the mixture of butter and castor sugar, mix the little maida-baking powder mixture and little eggs. Keep doing till all ingredients mix well
  • Mix in cherries lightly.
  • Prepare the pan for baking the cake by coating it with butter, puting a butter paper of the size of the bottom of the vessel on it and applying butter again to the paper
  • Heat the oven to 200C
  • Bake the cake in microwave + convection mode at 180W and 180C for 15 minutes
  • Let the cake cool down for 10 min or so and then sprinkle icing sugar on it
  • Cool the cake completly and serve the slices

If the cake batter looks thick, add warm water to make it thinner.

Aug 2008
Sheetal Kamat

It was raining heavily over weekend and I couldnt resist the temptation to have hot bhajis while its raining. But the only sad part of it was when I actually started eating them, the rain had stopped for a while.

Onion Bhaji(Crab Style)
2 Onions
4 Spoon Bason
5 Spoon Corriander Leaves
1 Spoon Red Chilli Powder
1/4 Spoon Corriander Powder
Salt to taste

  • Chop the onions into thin slices
  • Apply Salt and Keep it for a while
  • After 5-10 minutes, it will be watery and soft, add bason, red chilli powder, finely chopped corriander leaves, corriander powder and a spoon of hot oil.
  • Make paste out of it by adding little water if needed
  • Heat oil and fry small portions of this mixture to golden brown colour

Bhajis are called Crab Style (खेकडा भजी) because it takes shapes because of onion slices.
Keeping the salted onions for a while helps using the water that comes because of salt. Otherwise the paste might get thinner.

Aug 2008
Sheetal Kamat

I had first had it at my uncles place and I loved it. So asked mom to prepare it, she has tried this vegetable so quite a few times and she has never succeeded. I guess this is the only thing my mom couldn't get it right. When I moved to Bangalore, and for few days when I was staying with my cousin Sangeeta tai, they prepared it once. That's when I learnt how to clean it, prepare it from her and her mother in law. So here is the recipe for you.

Banana Flower Vegetable
1 Banana Flower
1 Spoon Red Chilli Powder
1/4 Spoon Garam Masala
1/4 Spoon Jaggery
1/4 Spoon Mustards
1/4 Spoon Corriander Powder
1/4 Spoon Jeera Powder
A pinch of Asafoetida
Salt to taste

  • Cleanup the banana flower
  • Cook finely chopped flower in the cooker for 2-3 whistles
  • Remove the water and keep it aside
  • Heat oil in a pan and let the mustard sputter in it
  • Add asafoetida and cooked banana flower
  • Add the red chilli powder, garam masala, corriander powder, jeera powder, jaggery and salt
  • Let it cook for couple of minutes

The most important part of this vegetable is to clean the flowers, you need to open the covers and clean the flowers. I have uploaded image which shows exactly what needs to be removed. When the flowers become too small to open up, you can just use them just like that. Keep it soaked in water and throw this water while cutting it

Aug 2008
Sheetal Kamat

Earlier I have posted Quick Bharata recipy. This one tastes completely different from that one and has taste of Bharata that most of restaurants serve.

Spicy Brinjal Bharata
2 Big Brinjals
2 Tomatoes
1 Onion
3-4 Cloves of Garlic
1/4 Spoon Garlic paste
1/4 Spoon Turmeric powder
1 Spoon Red chilli powder
1/4 Spoon Garam Masala
1/4 Spoon Corriander Powder
A Pinch of Jeera Powder
Salt to taste

  • Roast the Brinjal, Remove the cover and mash it to form fine paste
  • In a pan heat oil and add finely chopped onions
  • Once they are done, add garlic cloves, garlic paste, turmeric powder, red chilli powder, garam masala, corrainder powder and jeera powder.
  • Mix the finely chopped tomatoes and cook till tomatoes are smashed and form the gravy
  • Mix the smashed brinjal paste and salt to this and again cook for couple of minutes. The bharata is ready to serve

This bharata has little tangy and spicy taste, the garlic cloves and garlic paste gives it unique and nice flavour.

Aug 2008
Sheetal Kamat

When I wanted to try a different kind of bhaji, I came up with this. I had read something similar in news paper couple of months back. Since that time I wanted to try something like this. The outcome was quite nice.

Corn Bhaji
3 Cup Corn
1/4 Spoon Ginger Paste
2 Green Chillies
1 Spoon Red Chilli Powder
4 Spoon Bason
1/4 Spoon Corriander Powder
1 Spoon Dry Mango(Amchur) Powder
Salt to taste

  • Grind the 2.5 cups of corns, ginger paste and green chillies in the mixer to form coarse paste.
  • Mix remaining corns, red chilli powder, corriander powder, dry mango powder, bason and salt to taste.
  • Mix 1 spoon of hot oil and water to form thick paste
  • Prepare balls out of this mixture and fry in oil till golden brown

Corn is sweet so ginger, green chillies and red chilli powder give it enough spiciness.
You can add 3-4 spoon of corriander leaves also for better taste

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