Oct 2008
Sheetal Kamat

Ajoy has got muffin tray this time from US and so I was in search of nice muffin recipe. I had peanut butter at home which I had kept it for some experiment. I thought lets try this out on muffin. So instead of using normal butter I used peanut butter and got nice peanut flavoured muffins with choco chips :)

Peanut Flavoured Chocochip Muffins
1 Cup Peanut Butter
1 Cup Choco-chips
2 Cup Maida
1 Spoon Vanilla
1.5 Cup Sugar
2 Eggs
1.5 Spoon Baking Powder
1/2 Spoon Eating Soda
1/2 Cup Milk

  • Mix peanut butter, eggs, suagar and vanilla in a bowl
  • Sieve Maida, baking powder, eating soda together around 3-4 times
  • Add maida and milk slowly to the butter-egg mixture with constant stirring
  • Stir in the Choco Chips
  • Preheat oven at 200C
  • Grease the muffin tray and add the muffin mixture to it to full the cups 2/3rd.
  • Bake at 200C in oven for 15 minutes

Here I donot get the choco chips and hence I buy cadboury dairy milk and cut it into medium sized pieces.
Also I thought that if I would have used the half and half of butter and peanut butter the peanutty flavour would have been milder. So I am going to try that out next time. Will post update after the trial

  1. Milind said...

    OMG! u made muffins too!
    Another big feather in your crowded cap..
    Another dish in your crowded plate! :)

  2. Ajoy Nandi said...

    muffins were amazing :) .. i had 90% of those i guess ;) .. esp when there were just out of the tray .. they were the best ! ... perfectly crusted and crispy from the sides :)

  3. Thanks Milind for the wonderful comment :)
    Ajoy if you dont remember we did give these muffins to few people :) so you cant be at 90% :)

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