Oct 2008
Sheetal Kamat

I never imagined that egg roll can mean so much to bengalis :) Recently when I went to Puja Pandals, I saw most people at roll stand than in pandals :) Earlier ajoy use to ask me for egg roll and I use to thing he would love parathas more than egg roll. Probably you can say I didnt understand the roll importance :) But after attending puja this year, the first thing I had made my mind to surprise some day with rolls. So today for breakfast when I had almost nothing left at home I prepared this and he indeed was pleasantly surprised :)

Egg Roll
3 Spoon Heaps of Maida
1 Spoon Heaps of Wheat Flour
3 Eggs
1 Onion
2 Green Chillies
Hot and sweet Tomato Ketchup
Salt to taste

  • Mix maida and wheat flour with salt to taste and little oil and knead the dough. Keep aside for atleast half an hour
  • In a small pan, add little oil around half spoon or little less and heat it.
  • Add sliced onions and green chillies to it and cook them till onions lose their rawness and look light brown. Keep aside
  • Make 3 balls out of the dough and roll them thin one by one.
  • Heat tawa and transfer the rolled roti on to the tawa. Put little oil from sides
  • When one side is almost done flip the roti and let the other side cook for a while.
  • Break the egg directly onto the cooking roti and spread it all over the roti and let it cook for a minute or so.
  • Flip it, add oil from sides and cook from the egged side till egg is cooked completely.
  • On a plate keep a kitchen towel such that it covers the 2/3rd of the plate.
  • Transfer the cooked egg roti on to this plate. Egg side on top.
  • Spread the 1/3rd mixture of cooked onion and chilli in the middle as one line. Add single ketchup line to taste.
  • Now roll the egg roti into the egg roll with the kitchen towel and close the napkin from the bottom.
  • Repeat same process for remaining two rolls.

I didnt use complete wheat flour for roti as otherwise you tend to get wheat flour taste in the roll which I dont like in the roll. I didnt use complete maida because otherwise after cooking the rotis tend to get too hard. Hence this combination.
While rolling the roti, the best way to get perfect roll is to first put one side over the other such that mixture is covered and is tightly filled in from one side. and then roll it into the roll from same side.

  1. Sonali Mehra said...

    This is a very interesting recipe..will try it soon !

  2. Hi Sheetal,

    This is Anuja, Adity's wife. I tried the egg rolls and they really came out well.

    Thanks for your nice recipes,

    November 30

  3. Unknown said...

    Hi Sheetal, I tried this and loved it. Now I make it quite often! Thanx a lot!! Where did you disappear? I visit ur blog quite frequently and didn't see anything posted lately. U were doing a great job...keep it up :-)

  4. Anonymous said...

    Hi Sheetal,
    i'm quite new here but i love your recipes!
    Why did you stop writing them???

  5. Hey Anuja, Thanks a lot :) Try some others too :) BTW didnt know that you guys take egg.

    Aparna, I had experimented few stuffs a month back and had got photos too but since those pictures are with my hubby couldnt post the recipies. Will get them soon here :) I had been missing writing in as much as you were missing it seeing new things here :)

    Daffodil, Thanks a lot. Keep visiting I have quite a few things lined up, its just waiting for photos that went abroad with hubby :)

  6. Varsha said...

    Sounds fun, I am hungry now

    I love your blog...man how do you cook all of this!

    I am a regular follower, sorry may not comment as often though

    keep writing...followers are here :)

  7. Varsha,

    Thanks a lot for kind words. Hope to see some comments around that do boost the moral :)

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