Mar 2009
Sheetal Kamat

When I was india I had done lot of R&d to prepare the Puff. I tried it couple of times but it didnt become fluffy. It was very messy too. So for a while I thought lets try to use the readily available Puff Pastry Sheets out here in the market. The outcome was amazing. But I would be happy the day I get this outcome when i can make those sheets too :)

Prawns Puff
2 Puff Pastry sheets
1 Cup Prawns
1 Tomato
2 Onions
4 Garlic Cloves
1 Spoon Corriander Powder
1 Spoon Red Chilli Powder
1/4 Spoon Garam Masala
1/4 Spoon Jeera Powder
1/2 Spoon Black Pepper Powder
A pinch of turmeric powder
1 Egg
Salt to taste

  • Take out the pastry sheets from the fridge and keep them aside to thaw.
  • In the mean time, heat the oil and add finely chopped onion to it. Cook till onion is translucent
  • Add finely chopped tomato in it and cook till tomato is almost done.
  • Add prawns and garlic to it and cook for couple of minutes.
  • Add turmeric powder, red chilli powder, garam masala, jeera powder, black pepper powder and salt to taste. Cook till oil seprates out.
  • Add corriander powder to it and again cook for a minute or two. Keep aside
  • Pre-heat the oven to 400F
  • Grease the baking tray.
  • Cut each baking sheet into 3 vertical and 2 horizonal pieces to give you 6*2 = 12 pieces. On each piece of the sheet add in the prawns mixure and fold it and keep it on the baking tray.
  • Beat the egg, dip a tissue in it and spread the egg over the puffs
  • Bake in oven at 400F/200C for 15 minutes and your puffs should be ready to serve.

I used medium sized prawns so that I dont need to cut them and neither are they too small to recognise and loose their taste in the masala.
Also I used the egg to get the golden brown effect of the puff as mentioned on the puff pastry sheet box.

  1. Vani said...

    Lovely blog, Sheetal! You want to make pastry sheets at home? Spoken like a true foodie! :) I'd happily take the puff pastry sheets :)

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