Whenever i use to go to restaurant this was the one recipe that i loved.. I always thought of trying this at home but was under impression that cooking kabab needs some special machinary or something like that.. Then i have problem making ajoy eat palak :) so i had to try this recipe on tawa :) it turned out really nice and ajoy mentioned that i should be cooking this instead of palak vegetable :) Here is the recipe...

3 medium sized potatoes
3 cup peas
2 palak gaddi
1 cup corriander leaves
1/2 gaddi pudina leaves
1 medium sized onion
4 green chillies
3 lemons
2 spoons corn flour
2 bread slices
3 spoon butter
Salt to taste
- Boil 2-3 cups of water in a pot
- Add cleaned palak leaves in it and boil for a while and then drain the water and keep aside
- Grind the onion in the mixer to form the paste
- Heat the pan and add the butter to it
- Add onion paste and cook till it turns light brown
- Mean while grind the palak leaves in the mixer and then add to the onion paste that has turned light brown
- Cook for a while till mixture is well cooked and vert little watery
- Keep aside for cooling
- Steam potatoes and peas in a cooker
- Grind the corriander leaves, pudina leaves, chillies in a mixer to form the paste
- Mix this with the cooled down palak-onion mixture
- Grate the potatoes and add them to the mixture
- Half crush the peas and add them to mixture
- Add lemon juice, corn flour, small pieces of bread slices and salt to it
- Mix well to form the paste
- Form the lemon sized balls, flatten it a bit and stic the cashew piece to it
- Shallow fry on the tawa
- Serve with pudina chutney
You can sprinkle little chaat masala on the fried kababs, i haven't tried this as yet as i didn't have chaat masala at home but i guess it might taste good.
Corn Flour,
Corriander Leaves,
Dry Fruits,
Side Dishes,
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DAMN ... bhow bhow .. i want some :) ...
looks yummy i will defintely try for american potlock lunch
hoping it turned out as hit as it was at my place :)