Jun 2010
Sheetal Kamat

We had this for the first time at sush's place when Tejal had gone to work and we three were looking out for something interesting to eat. Ajoy had liked it instantly. I had wondered that it might be easy to make it using puff pastry sheet then. We came to know that costco here doesnt bake these, so I got all the more reason to make them at home. I quickly confirmed my theory and baked them today.

Petite Palmiers
1 Puff Pastry Sheet
1 Cup Sugar

  • Unfold the puff pastry on a sugar dusted kitchen top.
  • Sprinkle sugar on top of the pastry sheet. Roll it lightly till the sugar sticks to the pastry sheet
  • Fold both sides of the pastry sheet till mid ways and then fold it in middle.
  • Keep it in refrigerater for 30-40 minutes
  • Preheat oven to 400F/200C, grease the baking tawas
  • Cut the pastry sheets into smaller slices if the rolled pastry perpendicular to folds.
  • Dip each slice's cut sides into the sugar and arrange it on baking tawa with cut side facing up.
  • Bake in oven over 400F/200C for 18 minutes and then take it out.

Thaw the puff pastry sheet for 35-40 minutes but not more because otherwise it might become unmanageable.
I wanted to put the parchment paper on the tawas so that my tawas dont get messy after taking out the palmiers but i didn't have one. But using it would be better on tawas i think.

  1. Perfectly done... love those heart bites

  2. Oh I love these and you got the perfect shape as well. Well done!

  3. @madhuri. Thanks
    @gary: Thanks, easy to make, you should try them :)

  4. this is something I like to eat from bakeries, but never know how they make it....look like big sister of 'little hearts'

  5. @Cooking Blog Indexer
    Cool.. Hope you make them at home now :)

  6. Parita said...

    Lovely palmiers!

  7. Arpit Goyal said...

    Thankks for the post

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