Oct 2010
Sheetal Kamat

Today after dinner I wanted to try out something new with watermelon and here is the chatpata juice i came up with.

Watermelon Splash
1/2 Watermelon
2 Big Lemons
4 Spoon Sugar
6-7 Pudina Leaves
1/4 Spoon Chaat Masala
1/4 Spoon Jeera Powder
Pinch of Black Pepper Powder
Salt to taste

  • Dice the watermelon and add it to the mixer bowl.
  • Add in lemon juice, sugar, pudina leaves, salt, chaat masala, jeera powder.
  • Using the crushing blade let the mixture blend together in a mixie
  • Pour it in glasses and sprinkle black pepper powder on top. Chill
  • Garnish with small pudina leaves and small scoops of watermelon.
Since I was so waiting to drink this, to chill it faster, i kept it in fridger for 10 minutes :) Alternatively you can also use already chilled watermelon so that you dont need to wait even 10 minutes :)
  1. Lady said...

    how does it taste? putting lemon and watermelon together, that is bit different but I wanted to try this at home.

  2. watermelon with lemon tastes really good. It brings out the sweetness of watermelon even more.

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