Jan 2010
Sheetal Kamat

I first started making this using the instant powder and I remember how it was such a hit with my sister. She loved it to the core. So since then cold coffee always reminds me of my sister - Seema, her affinity and some memorable stories around them (I am sure me and my family can immediately recollect them with just name of cold coffee :D) When we moved to redmond, we made ourselves familiar to the well known starbuck's cold coffee bottles. Costco's membership and deal coupons once in a while meant we consumed them a lot. But as days passed I started missing that fresh cold coffee, thick froth and here I came up with this recipe. I wanted to make this in India for Seema but then flu, cough, cold prevented me from that. Here I am going to share my recipe hoping she would try it sometime and remember those golden days when we consumed cold coffee like freak.

Cold Coffee
4 cup Milk
2 cup Vanilla Icecream
1.5 Spoon Coffee Powder
5 Spoon Sugar

  • Boil a cup of water mixing sugar in it
  • Add coffee and dissolve it. Keep aside for cooling.
  • In a mixie, add ice cream, coffee, and milk.
  • Blend well till the icecream is completely blended.

Normally I dont keep coffee in freeze after blending it. Its at perfect temparature after the blend.

  1. Anonymous said...

    LOL..even I get my cold coffee fix by buying it from Costco :) Your recipe looks delicious!

  2. and easy and quick too :) Thanks

  3. Unknown said...

    I tried it yesterday and it was a superhit!!Very easy to make and tasty..

  4. Coool... :) Glad you enjoyed it.. we have this as master recipe for everyone visiting on the fly :)

  5. Karunya said...

    First time in your Blog. I loved the template.
    I was looking for a cold coffee recipe and that's how I landed here
    The recipe turned out well!!!

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