Nov 2007
Sheetal Kamat

Bread roll is one of the simplest and yet tasties item one can have in snacks.. And yesterday when piyush visited us I thought this would be the best breakfast recipe i can serve with no preparation from my side at all... Here is how i prepared it...

Bread Rolls
2 Potatoes
6 slices of bread
1 spoon jeera powder
1 spoon red chilli powder
1 spoon corriander powder
2 spoon Amchur Powder(Dry Mango)
Salt to taste
Oil to fry

  • Cook potatoes in cooker or boil them till they are soft
  • Mash the potatoes and add jeera powder, red chilli powder, corriander powder, amchur powder and salt and mix well
  • Take slice of the bread and remove its thick edges using knife
  • In a pot fill in drinking water and put the bread slice on top of the water for few moments
  • Press the bread slice with both the palms and remove the water
  • Put a cylindrical ball of the potato mixture prepared earlier in the middle of the slice and close the bread slice to cover the mixture fully
  • Deep fry the rolls on medium heat and serve hot with tomato ketchup

You can try other fillings too.. I would be trying using lemon instead of amchur powder.

  1. Anonymous said...

    Just a small spelling correction. Please replace smash with mash.

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