Apr 2011
Sheetal Kamat

Yesterday I was going to prepare Chocolate Macaroons for which I had to powder the almonds but when i made the almond powder it was little moist and not a fine powder that i needed for the macaroons. That is when I sent Ajoy to get more almonds and i made these laadus. They are very yummy and sugar free is bonus :)

Sugar Free Date Almond Laadu
2 Cup Almonds
1 Cup Dates
3-4 Spoon Raisins

  • Powder the almonds.
  • Divide it in two batches. In each batch add 1/2 cup dates and make a thick paste in mixer.
  • Knead the mixture. Make small round balls inserting couple of raisins in each of them. Serve.

I decided to use sweetness of raisins and dates to complement Almonds instead of adding sugar or jaggery which really worked for me as I don't like items too sweet. You can add couple of spoon sugar in case you feel it lacking sweetness.

  1. Eat Hearty said...

    Hey Sheetal nice recipe, your collection of recipes are very good.


  2. Unknown said...

    This is my fav..loooks very tempting a guilt free laddu

  3. @Eat Hearty thanks. i like your blog too. added it to my reader list already.

    @sharmilee: Yes they were huge hit among all my friends.

  4. Anonymous said...

    I like your blog!!All your recepies are awesome.Keep up the good work.

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