Nov 2009
Sheetal Kamat
I was tagged by Amruth and Naveen for writing the 25 random things about me. Well I gave it a thought and slept over it :) *remembers a dialog from last episode of Grey's Anatomy* And here is my list:
  1. I am in absolute love with Abhi-Niki from Dill Mill Gayye so much so that I make video mixes, write fictional scenes on these characters. I am loving this creative side of mine :)
  2. I like doing something creative after office may it be cooking something new, painting a glass or pot or knitting. Though I end up picking first option most of the time because it is like one arrow 2 birds :)
  3. I am a Lost fan and cant wait for the finale season and the topping to it is I would be watching it live in HD :)
  4. I love hiking and when it comes to hiking I can never find it enough :) Dil always maange more.
  5. Discovered love for cycling after coming to Redmond. Absolutely love coming back from work by cycle (Again 1 arrow 2 birds:)) or cycling on weekends on Sammamish River Trail
  6. I prefer having lunch by desk while browsing some cooking recipes, reading blogs, long mails and fiction updates. I finish lunch quickly and yet feel rejuvenated for post lunch work :)
  7. When it comes to following rules I would want to do it with absolute precision esp driving rules. I hate when people speed, drive rash and make mistakes. Well once in a while I too make a mistake and I cant forget that mistake easily :)
  8. I miss Hussain Sagar Drive very badly especially after late night movie.
  9. I am a music freak but then I can tolerate only certain type of songs which includes old hindi and few new ones which have some meaningful lyrics and soft music.
  10. When I am listening to music, I start of singing along without even realizing. So its absolute torture for people around me when I am listening to songs
  11. I love playing antakshari and the best ones have to be with Milind during our Niagara-NY and Florida drives in 2002.
  12. I hate playing dumbsheras and I am bad at it. :)
  13. I am afraid of dogs (well is that an understatement)
  14. I believe Indian railways should award me for being their loyal customer for years. I have record of traveling Hyderabad -> Pune -> Hyderabad over every weekend for almost 3-4 months continuously.
  15. I never tried English music as a teen and now I adore my music collection so much so that I don't feel like giving it a chance.
  16. I can eat chaat items or anything chat pat items at any time of the day. :) Everyday stuff including rice-chapati-bhaji kind of takes low priority over the chatpat items
  17. The best paani puri I have had till now is from a person who use to sit next to then newly opened MK Ahmad on CMH Road, Bangalore.
  18. I am scared of dentists and nurses who give injections. Probably thats one reason I am totally for homeopathy.
  19. I dont know since when but as long as I can remember I hate hot Tea and cant drink even a sip. But was introduced to Ice Tea by Kushal and you can say as much as I hate hot tea I love the Ice Tea.
  20. Ever since I started watching english dramas I cant watch hindi ones without fast forwarding through them :) The current favourites are Castle, Grey's Anatomy and Flashforward. Also planning to give a chance to V which premiers tonight.
  21. I am FRIENDS fan. Each character was unique and they maintained the traits, behaviors and habits for them throughout 10 seasons. The fun with friends was never been so close to real. Have already watched it twice in order. The random episodes if are airing I can watch any number of times. Wish they could create same magic again.
  22. I have started playing Farmville on Facebook or you can say I started using Facebook for playing Farmville :) I liked that game so much so that I play on Ajoy's behalf too :)
  23. I love rains and the drizzling rain is the topmost favorite. I like hiking, cycling or just taking a walk in drizzling rain :) Foggy weather is another favorite one and it gives heavenly feel to this otherwise earthy world.
  24. I love playing fussball.. I havent played it much but I really enjoy it a lot. Our own fuss ball table is on its way and cant wait to play late night cames on fridays
  25. I am more of listening person than talking one :) I can listen to absolutely anyone anytime than talk and when it comes to stage talk or group talking I am the worst case of shy attitude. Though I can be little better with close friends and family. So don't be surprised if I prefer write/mails/blogs over phone calls or social meetings :)

The rules for the above tagging buisness is:
Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. If I tagged you, its because I want to know more about you.

So even though I do not have so many people to tag but I would tag:
Ajit, Ajoy, Atul, Michy, Milind, Nandy, Nitin, Piyush, Prashant, Sameer, Vaidehi, Vishvesh

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  1. Naveen said...

    haha.. nice list. Enjoyed reading
    Well, even i miss listening to songs while having that nice drive around Hussain sagar lake and and.. the torture :-p
    And you know what, I'm gonna gift you a nice cute puppy when you arrive here :)

  2. Priyanka said...

    Dont worry Sheetal ..if pappu plans to get a puppy for u..i'll let u know offline what to tell him ..he will drop the idea forever !!..lolz..i am sure he will understand what I am trying to say.

    Great blog...nice to know things abt u..i agree that u r very shy ..we havent interacted much but know a lot about u through pappu and ajoy.I am sure amruth is gonna feel on top of the world after seeing a non-cooking blog !!

  3. @Pappu
    Duniya idharse udhar ho gayi but you are still pappu :) I have enough of your secrets to not receive a puppy for gift :)

    Dhanyabhag hamare that aap hamare blog pe sirf padhare hi nahi but commented as well :)

  4. @priyanka
    I also wanted to add: Sometimes visit cooking posts too and make Nandy happy :) how many more days he is going to cook for you ;-)

  5. Ajoy Nandi said...

    I am happy that there were no surprizes instore for me ...

    one of the random thing i wish is that by mistake a labradog should jump (no biting plz) on sheetal and scare the shit out of her ... LOLz

  6. Priyanka said...

    I do sweetie. But even we gurls need some pampering ;)..so he gets help from ur website :)

  7. Amruth Raj said...

    Woww.. that's an amazing list.
    I'm glad u posted it.
    Waiting to see how terrible/beautiful MB's list is going to be like :)

  8. Amruth Raj said...

    Hello "IT'S ME"
    When can we expect yours??? :D

  9. @Ajoy
    Do you really expect any surprises now ? After so many years ;-)

    I should learn from you :) I need some pampering too :)

    "Its Me" might right after 20+ years :) He has so few posts on his blog and been ages since he wrote anything.

  10. Ajoy Nandi said...

    yeah i need to post something really soon ... this could be a nice way to talk good things about myself ...

  11. Anonymous said...

    And when will that soon come??

    thanks a lot.

  13. sangeeta said...

    Hi Sheetal...first time here and loved your blog...you seem to be interested in regional n traditional indian cooking more ...just like me..
    it was nice to read about you !!!

  14. Wishing you and your family a very happy and prosperous New Year Sheetal:)

  15. Thank you sangeeta and Mythreyi.

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