First of all this is not my experiment but its my mom's expertee. When everybody asks me about garam masala I use to tell that its my mom's speciality. So now that I am in pune I actually got the chance to see how this is prepared and wrote the recipe. Obviously this needs more patience than what one thinks of and quite lengthy process but the result i guarantee to be awesome :) So here is the recipe for for all interested parties :)

500g Corriander Seeds
50g Cumin Seeds
50g Fennel Seeds or Saunf
40g Poppy Seeds
20g Bay Leaves
10g Star Anise
10g Black Cardamom
10g Mace or Jayapatri
10g Naak Kesar
10g Cinnamon
10g Black Pepper
10g Cloves
5g Turmeric Stick
1/2 Nutmeg
1cm Asafoetida Block
20g Stone Flower or Dagad Phool
20g Caraway Seeds or Shahi Jeera
- Heat Pan and add 1/2 Spoon of oil. Roast Jayapatri in this oil on low flame till reddish in color. Transfer to the mixie.
- In same pan add 2 drops of oil and Naak Kesar. Roast it for around 3 min on low flame till it becomes little bigger. Transfer to mixie.
- In same pan add 2 drops of oil and roast Stone Flower in it on low flame for around 3 minutes. Transfer it to the mixie
- Add 2 drops on oil in the same pan and roast Cloves on low flame for 3-4 minutes till they get little bigger. Transfer to the mixie.
- Add 2 drops of oil in same pan and roast black pepper on low flame for around 4 minutes. Transfer to the mixie
- In same pan add 2 more drops of oil and roast cinnamons on low flame till they turn dark brown in colour. Transfer to the mixie
- Add 2 drops of oil and roast Saunf on low flame till it becomes light brown in color. Transfer to the mixie.
- Break nutmeg into small pieces and roast it on low flame for 2 minutes in same pan with 1 drop of oil. Transfer it to the mixie
- Break Asafoetida block into small pieces and roast it on low flame in the same pan with 1 drop of oil till it turns white in color. Transfer it to the mixie
- Break Turmeric stick into the small pieces and roast it on low flame in 1 drop of oil till reddish in color. Transfer to the mixie.
- In same pan roast the bay leaves on low flame in 2 drop oil for 3 minutes. Transfer the contents to the mixie
- Roast Star Anise on low flame with 2 drop of oil for 2 minutes and transfer to the mixie.
- Roast Black Cardamom with 2 drop of oil on low flame till it turns little bigger and dark brown in color. Transfer to the mixe.
- In same pan roast the Jeera with 1 drop of oil on medium flame till it turns brown in color. Transfer the contents to the mixie.
- Roast Shahi Jeera on low flame with 1 drop of oil for around 2 minutes. Transfer it to the mixie
- Roast the Poppy Seeds with 1 drop of oil for 1 minute on low flame. Transfer to the mixie
- Grind all the contents transferred till now to fine powder.
- Sieve the powder and transfer the non so fine powder to the mixie
- Grind again and sieve the contents. transfer the contents which didnot pass through sieve into mixie.
- Roast half of the Corriander seeds with 2 spoon of oil on medium flame. When the seeds start spluttering turn the flame to low and roast for another minute. Transfer the half of them to mixie and Grind
- Sieve the masala again and transfer the not so fine contents to the mixie.
- Add remaining of roasted corriander seeds to mixie and again grind.
- Sieve the contents through and again grind the not so fine contents. Sieve again. Transfer the contents that did not get sieved into the mixie
- Roast remaining corriander seeds in 2 drops of oil on medium flame till they splutter. Turn the flame to low and roast for another minute. Transfer half of them to the mixie and Grind.
- Sieve the masala again and transfer the not so fine contents to the mixie.
- Add remaining of roasted corriander seeds to mixie and again grind.
- Sieve the contents through and again grind the not so fine contents. Sieve again.
- Mix well all the sieved contents and masala is ready.
Use exact given qunatities of oil for the best results as if you exceed oil quantity it becomes difficult to grind the spices.
Also Fry the spices in same order for the best results as this is the oder that maximises the aroma and will retain it in the masala.
You can use the Not sieved through contents in the non veg gravies or when you would be grinding masala with wet contents.
The above ingredients make around 3/4Kg of masala
ayyayyo.. ;-)
dont provide this recipe to the readers.. its the core of all your dishes(at least, most of them).. i have seen many of my aunts n mom actually not revealing the secret recipe, rather they prefer to prepare themselves and give it others.. :)
Hehehe :) My mom is cool about it :) If people are getting benifited from this its good only :)
thats quite elaborate.. i personally use readymade goda-masala given the time i can permit :)
waiting for it to be put to use. long time now that have had something made out of it ;-)
Hey...I keep checking your blog regulaly and I even tried some of your dishes which won me a number of compliments..I really wanted to thank you for this.The way you present any dish is lovely. Keep up the good work. I will def.try this Garam Masala recepie...but can you please let me know where can we find Black Cardamom, Mace, Naak Kesar, stone flower and Nutmeg in Hyderabad? How long will the aroma of thsi masala last? I mean for how many days? How many spoons(Tea/Table) do u you suggest for any north Indian dish? Looking forward for your reply.
Another quick most of the Punjabi dishes that we prepare, what quantity of this Garam Masala powder should be used along with Jeera poweder and Dhaniya powder so that it doesn't become too spicy. Do we have to actually use Jeeera/Dhaniya powder along with this garam masala powder?
Milind, This isnt too much of effort since you can prepare the stock for complete year itself :)
Ajoy, Aayega woh time bhi jaldihi aayega :)
Anita, I am not sure where you can get this in Hyderabad, in pune its stocked up in all grocerry stores.
Udaya, it depends on what kind of taste you want to get, in say keema i use 1 spoon masala and 1/4 spoon of corriander and jeera powder but for paneer muttor i use less garam masala and more jeera powder. So you would need to check the recipy and tune it to your taste :)
Sounds like a brilliant recipe. I have made other garam masalas with a lot less ingredients.
can you please tell me how you use this spice powder?
shirley, I use these masala in vegetable, daals or even in pulav. All my receipies where I say Garam Masala I use this masala.