May 2011
Sheetal Kamat

Here almost all stores sell the canned lychees but never the fresh ones. Last month I decided to give it a try especially for ice-cream. It turns out that if you use the syrup you get pretty good flavor from one can

Lychee Icecream
1 Can of Seedless Lychee
1/2 Cup Sugar
1/2 Cup Milk
3.5 Cup Cream
1 Lemon

  • Take out lychees from the syrup and put the syrup in the mixie.
  • Add in sugar and milk and blend it till the sugar is disolved.
  • Mix in cream and lemon juice and whisk a bit.
  • Add it in ice-cream maker and let it set.
  • Fine chop the lychees and mix that in the ice-cream around 3-4 minutes before the setting is complete.

If using fresh lychees just use around 30 lychees. Puree around 15 of them with 2 cups of water and use that instead of lychee syrup and finely chop remaining lychees. You might need to use probably 2/3 cup of sugar.
The lemon helps in bringing out the taste from the lychee.

  1. Ajoy Nandi said...

    again did not expect it to be this good. Loved it ... very different texture to the icescream. Yeh dil mange more

  2. Uniflame said...

    I want to make this ice cream for New Years eve. Does it matter what kind of cream I use?

  3. @Uniflame:
    Sorry for being late. Was on vacation hence couldnt reply earlier. I normaly use pasturized whipping cream (not the heavy one) but if using heavy one, you may reduce the quantity.

  4. Anonymous said...

    Hey Amazing, mouthwatering dish….Lychees are my favourite fruit and I also love the juice.. I recently found KDD Harvest’s lychee juice which is apparently a new launch.. I am hooked on to this juice.. where can I find seedless lychees? I am tempted to make this recipe…

  5. Hi Rammy, sorry I am late in replying but you can bind seedless lychees in canned section in grocery stores.

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