Mar 2016
Sheetal Kamat

I don't even remember now how I came up with this, may be it was when I was trying to come up with lighter cake, but it was instant success. I have made this so many times and recently almonds with white chocolate with lemon cream I got from Costco reminded me of this taste. Cant wait to make this one again. One of the lightest and fluffiest cake I have made.

Lemon Chiffon Cake
1.5 Cup - 1.5 tbsp. maida
1.5 tbsp Corn Flour
1/4 tsp Baking Soda
1/4 tsp Salt
1.5 Cup + 1 tbsp Sugar
2 Lemons
3 Eggs
1/2 Cup Oil
1/2 tsp Vanilla Essence
1/4 tsp Cream of tartar

  • Preheat oven to 325F/165C
  • Sieve through maida, corn flour, baking soda, salt and 1.5 cup of sugar together
  • Separate egg whites from yolk.
  • Beat egg whites till they are foamy
  • Add in cream of tartar and beat till soft peaks are formed
  • Add in remaining 1 tbsp. of sugar and beat till hard peaks are formed. Keep aside
  • In a bowl beat egg yolk, zest of both the lemons, 1 tbsp. lemon juice, oil, vanilla essence and 2/3 cup of water together.
  • Add in the sieved flour mixture and beat till smooth
  • Fold in egg whites 1/3 at a time very gently till all the mixture is incorporated.
  • Grease 8.5inch loaf pan and pour the cake batter in it.
  • Bake in oven at 325F/165C for 45 minutes. Take out of oven and let it cool.

To measure maida and corn starch, first measure 1.5 tbps of corn flour and add it to the bottom of the cup and then add in more maida till it is 1.5 cup. You can instead use cake flour 1.5 cup instead of these two ingredients but maida and corn starch mixture is replacement for the same.

Mar 2016
Sheetal Kamat

When it came to making something quick and delicious for our home's ground breaking ceremony last year, I made these. What another way to revive the blog than to post this one :)

Keshar Malai Pedha
12 Oz Khawa
1.5 Cup Sugar
2.5 Cup Milk Powder
1/2 Cup Milk
Pinch of Cardamom Powder
Pinch of Saffron
2 Spoon Pistachios

  • Grate khawa and mix it with sugar, milk powder and cardamom powder.
  • Heat milk with saffron for 20 seconds in microwave.
  • In a thick pan add ghee and khawa mixture and cook on low heat with constant stirring.
  • Add in heated saffron milk after a minute or two.
  • Cook the mixture till its semi solid with constant stirring
  • Take it off the heat and let it cool for 5 minutes.
  • Slice the pistachios
  • Make small balls of the mixture and press each ball with pistachio slice on its top.

When making pedhas from the mixture, it should be warm. If its too cold, it might be difficult to make the smooth shape.
Stirring the khawa mixture continuously while cooking is important as the mixture is susceptible to sticking to the pan and burning.
Also I used anodized pan as it was easy to keep the mixture from sticking.

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