Of all Daals i just love mung daal and this is frequent in our meals.. It had never occured to me to post this recipe.. Its only when boudi's uncle (my sis-in-law's uncle) visited us and he couldn't stop praising the daal, i thought of posting this one. Even mom dad were quite impressed by its unique flavour, aroma and simplicity. So here is the my style of mung daal for you.

3/4 cup mung daal
1 medium sized onion
3 green chillies
1/2 spoon turmeric powder
1/2 spoon garlic paste
1/2 spoon jeera
1/2 spoon mustard
4 spoon ghee
Salt to taste
- Cook the mung daal in pressure cooker (4 whistles)
- Heat ghee in a pan
- Add mustard and jeera and let it sputter
- Add finely chopped onion and cook till its translucent and the raw smeel goes away
- Add garlic paste, chopped green chilli pieces, turmeric powder and cook for a while
- Add cooked mung daal to this and stir well
- Mix some water to get the desired thickness and boil it
I sometimes add fresh red chillies (not the dried ones) as well along with green chillies that gives the daal nice look and taste.
Garnish the daal with corriander leaves if you like
the dal comes up really nicely :) Any body ready must really try it.
Dont you think 4 whistles are too much...my mom told me that when the first whistle starts up , turn the gas burner off.
It depends on cooker size, Height where you are etc. I need 4 to cook it well in my 5 ltr cooker.